
HTML Reporting Tool​

HTML, CSS, Javascript, cURL, Apache​​
Often in the corporate world, Customer Service representatives are just the front line of defense from angry customers, and even more often those call-center employees don’t have an explanation as to why something happened. To fix this, while working as a CSR, I built a one-file HTML site that could provide backend reporting from curl calls, and then taught the entire department how to use it. This process of development took months of development, especially because I had a broken arm when building the prototype version.

I was challenged by the broken arm, the need to learn how to build a server and deploy it from within a secure environment, and how to match the OpenTable style guide. This started as a fun project, but it is still being used at OpenTable today for troubleshooting issues.

This was built for OpenTable backend services and has since been moved to a private repository.

Website & Brand Design​

WordPress, Adobe Illustrator​​
Personal projects will often push skills further than school or work is capable, because they trigger passion. Recently, I started a kayak rental brand and website in the hopes of building a side hustle. This was a challenge to conceive a business model, design the logo, create the social media presence, and launch the website, having never done these things before.

After launching the website, I also published multiple blog posts (spaced out over a few weeks), and optimized the SEO to attract free traffic, and then found an online booking platform to handle reservations. Although this is really just a fun build, it has shaped into a real business that is attracting lots of views.

Geocaching Application​

Java, XML, GitHub, 3rd Party APIs​​​
Speaking from experience, it’s usually said that the best way to learn a skill is to come up with an idea that you want to see through, and get to work. This code project was a challenge from the very beginning when I had to learn to use Android Studio and write in Java just to start the codebase. From there, it was necessary to learn how to use external APIs and build the user interface from scratch.

Deploying this application to the Android Marketplace is one of my more proud moments in life, and although it’s no longer available for download due to personal time constraints and the upkeep required, it shows the ability to set a plan and follow through to the bitter end.
moments geocaching application