Graphic Illustrations

Product Release Poster

Adobe Illustrator
Creating infographics is an essential skill in UX, and this design pushed me to work on tiny parts of a larger image (the motorcycle) with the end goal always in mind. The challenge was to create a product release poster for a known brand and include all the event information as any poster should. This graphic took hours of meticulous tracing in Illustrator to create a motorcycle graphic from scratch, which was my largest in Illustrator at that time. It was necessary to learn how to use the pen tool on a granular level, to learn a few keyboard shortcuts, and to recreate individual pieces of the motorcycle and then layer them perfectly.

This was a personal favorite because of my love for motorcycles, having had several myself, so I realized how much more effort I'm willing to put in when a project intersects with passion.​

Informational Poster Design

Adobe Illustrator
Informational posters are everywhere in life, and they need to be able to pass on a message without losing the attention of the viewer. This challenge was to create a large format poster that could inform the viewership and influence them to make a decision; The choice was to design a poster educating on financial literacy. This would push me to become proficient in Adobe Illustrator for the graphic elements. Also needed was to create the content, mostly the text, at first, and then design the graphics to fit the poster and the meaning of the content. The last step was to work with colors to create pullouts that pop and graphics that don't deter from the information. In this project, I learned how to refine a rudimentary idea into a finished product by focusing on one task at a time. With each new creation in Adobe Illustrator, I am becoming more fluent and able.​

Pixar Pitch

Storytelling, Hand-Drawn
Many famous ideas are first written or drawn on a bar napkin, and therefore it's important to know how to communicate using visual means like pen and paper. This Pixar Pitch, a movie pitch in the specific format used by Pixar, contains 6 images and short paragraphs to weave a tale about a Wildflower in crisis, which provided a challenge as I have never felt that my skills make a strong artist. After many iterations of both story and artwork, work shopping plot lines and different scenes to draw, this final version became my movie pitch.

The ability to draw clear images and explain an idea in a one-page format shows the ability to pass information through engaging graphics. I've never taken art classes, but I discovered that simple graphics can still carry a heavy meaning if the images are clear and easy to understand. This project stretched and improved my artistic and storytelling skills to the point of knowing my sketches can carry the meaning of a tale.​

3D Product Design

Adobe Photoshop / Substance Designer
Not everyone is artistic, but to create graphics is a skill like any other, so at times a technical communicator must lean heavily on the technical part of the profession and use the tools that are provided to accomplish the task at hand. In this particular task, the challenge was to conceptualize and design a single product, in three dimensions, with multiple flavors.